How can HIV and AIDS be treated using Prep Pills?

What is PrEP? Best Treatment for HIV AIDS PrEP is a drug you can take to protect yourself from HIV. Many kinds of research have been taken out on PrEP, and it has been shown to be highly useful at reducing the risk of acquiring HIV - up to 99%. The original PrEP is the branded drug Truvada. Still, Truvada is costly and can cost up to $1,500 for a month's course of 30 pills. PrEP is also available in the Generic form, known as Hiv generics. Generic forms like Viraday , Tenvir hold exactly the same ingredients as Truvada and have equal effectiveness in preventing HIV. The most basic PrEP generics available are Ricovir-EM, Tenvir 300 mg, and Tavin EM, Viraday. What is HIV? HIV is the virus that produces AIDS. It hurts your immune system, making it simpler for you to get ill. HIV is spread through sex, but condoms can help guard you. World AIDS Day was first observed in 1988. Each year, organizations and individuals across the world bring attention to the HI...